Journal of Research and Multidisciplinary
<p><img src="/public/site/images/admin/sampuljournalnew_copy1.jpg"></p> <p>Journal of Research and Multidisciplinary (jrm), an international journal published by Lembaga Sembilan Tiga Community, is a journal that covers the study of research results and studies from various disciplines. This journal will be a publication for scholars to enrich studies published in journals. Jrm presents quality scientific articles with attention to the format, style, and academic quality. Articles in this publication can be written in English. Journal of Research and Multidisciplinary, published twice a year in the online and print version. This journal serves as a learning medium for research development and studies from various disciplines. This media will be a means of exchanging research findings and scientific study ideas. Jrm his a single-blind, peer-reviewed, open access journal.</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="/public/site/images/admin/WhatsApp_Image_2022-12-21_at_09.19_.35_.jpg" width="218" height="76"> </a><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="/public/site/images/admin/450px-Index-copernicus-logo3.png" width="266" height="81"></a></p> <p> </p>Lembaga Sembilan Tiga Communityen-USJournal of Research and Multidisciplinary2622-9536Early Childhood Social-Emotional Development Through Traditional Games in Learning at Mutiara Integrated Islamic Kindergarten Makassar
<p>This study aims todescribe the achievement of students' social-emotional development through traditional games in learning at Mutiara Integrated Islamic Kindergarten Makassar. Analyzing the supporting and inhibiting factors of the use of traditional games in learning for the socio-emotional development of students at Mutiara Integrated Islamic Kindergarten Makassar.</p> <p>This type of research is classified as qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. The research design used in this study is related questions, prepositions, reviewing literature, data analysis and report writing. Furthermore, data collection techniques are interviews, observations, documentation, and reference searches. Data processing and analysis techniques are carried out through three stages, namely: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawn.</p> <p>The results of the research on the achievement of students' social-emotional development through traditional games in learning obtained a description of the results of self-awareness including showing self-ability, knowing one's own feelings, managing one's own emotions, recognizing other people's emotions, and motivating oneself. A sense of self-responsibility includes knowing their rights, obeying class rules, self-regulation, taking responsibility for their behavior for their own good. Prosocial behavior includes playing with peers, sharing with friends, being cooperative with friends, expressing emotions that are appropriate to existing conditions (happy-sad-enthusiastic, etc.). Supporting and inhibiting factors for the use of traditional games in learning for the socio-emotional development of students, results related to the supporting factors for the use of traditional games include teacher awareness, availability of facilities, recognition of educational values, involvement of the learning community, and family environment. Factors inhibiting the use of traditional games include health conditions, the influence of technology, and diverse interests.</p> <p> </p>Ashar Ashar AsharSitti ManiaMisykat Malik IbrahimSt Syamsudduha
2024-09-302024-09-307287688510.5281/jrm.v7i2.96Pedagogical Competence of Teachers in Integrating Science and Technology in Early Childhood Education: A Case Study of Raudhatul Athfal in Rappocini District, Makassar
<p>This dissertation aims to: (1) Describe teachers' pedagogical competence at Raudhatul Atfhal in designing and implementing educational activities using Science Technology Society (STS); (2) Analyze the use of technology and communication through STS; (3) Evaluate students' learning outcomes based on teachers' pedagogical competence.</p> <p>This qualitative research uncovers the pedagogical competence of RA teachers in applying STS, using observations, interviews, and documentation. Four teachers from RA Mardhati and Hasirah Home School participated. Data analysis followed steps of condensation, presentation, and conclusion. Findings show that RA Mardhati and Hasirah teachers demonstrate strong competence in planning, implementing, utilizing ICT, and evaluating learning outcomes. Teachers at RA Mardhati create supportive and dynamic learning environments, while Hasirah teachers plan structured lessons through daily and weekly plans. The use of ICT (e.g., Wi-Fi, laptops) enhances the learning process, making it more engaging and interactive. Teachers evaluate learning daily and report progress comprehensively, focusing on both process and outcomes. The implications emphasize the need for continued development of pedagogical competence. RA institutions should support teacher training to adapt teaching methods to students' needs. Teachers are encouraged to enhance professionalism through external training. Future research should explore deeper variations of methods to provide a more comprehensive understanding of pedagogical competence at RA.</p>ANDI REZKY NURHIDAYASt AzisahMisykat Malik IbrahimUlfiani Rahman
<p>This paper aims to examine relevant literatures to identify critical success factors for sustainable entrepreneurship in Cambodia and further develop a conceptual framework for future methodological research. This study begins with the review of literatures that outlined success factors for sustainable development before examining the critical success factors for sustainable entrepreneurship. A crucial finding from literature shows that there is inconsistency between the success factors for sustainable development and sustainable entrepreneurship despite some literatures identifying sustainable entrepreneurship as a business model being built based on the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The main sources of inconsistencies are the various stages of economic development and government policies across the countries being researched. Gaudemar (2016) mentioned despite having made progress in advancing development, Cambodia is unlikely to ‘graduate’ from its Least Developed Country (LDC) status till 2025 and beyond. There is probability that the framework will be a valuable tool for meticulous analysis and evaluation of critical success factors for sustainable entrepreneurship in Cambodia. The limitation of this study is that the model is purely conceptual and requires further validation with in-depth methodological research.</p>Yamuna SithambalamAlyaa Afifah Abu TalibDINESH ELANGOZunirah Mohd Talib
2024-09-302024-09-307289690710.5281/jrm.v7i2.97Pedagogic Competence Of Teachers In The Era Of Society 5.0 Darul Hikmah Islamic Elementary School Makassar City
<p>This study aims to examine the reality of teachers' pedagogic competence in optimizing student learning in <em>the society</em> 5.0 era and describe the inhibiting factors and supporting the pedagogic competence of teachers of SD Islam Darul Hikmah Makassar. The method used is qualitative descriptive with data collection through observation, interviews and documentation. The research informant used was a teacher of SD Islam Darul Hikmah. The data was analyzed qualitatively using data condensation, data presentation and drawing research conclusions. The results of the study show that: teachers of SD Islam Darul Hikmah Makassar need to have high pedagogic competence to face the challenges and opportunities offered by profound changes in the way of interacting with technology and information. Teachers' pedagogic competencies, including a deep understanding of effective teaching methods, the ability to design technology-based learning, and skills in evaluating and improving student learning, are key factors in improving the quality of education in primary schools. This research has implications for the importance of sustainable competency development for elementary school teachers in Makassar. Teacher training and competency development programs must be held regularly to ensure that teachers remain updated with developments in education and technology.</p>Ira IrvianaSyahruddin UsmanAndi MarjuniSt Syamsudduha
2024-09-302024-09-307290892010.5281/jrm.v7i2.92Implications of Childless Families in the Qur'an
<p>This paper examines the implications of childless families in the view of the Qur'an. This type of research uses <em>library research</em>, namely activities to find and collect information related to the Qur'anic view of the <em>childfree </em>phenomenon in marriage<em>, </em>using written materials such as books, documents, journal articles, previous research results, and other scientific works related to the topic of the problem. The results show that childless families in the view of the Qur'an can lead to the emergence of various negative impacts that will be experienced by families if there is no birth of children in the family. These negative impacts include; the loss of heart conditioning, the loss of blessings from a child for his parents, life will feel empty, and not including a complete family. Parents should know the nature and privilege of children in the family because it can be a side of luck for parents and their families. To avoid the negative impacts of <em>childfree </em>families, every married couple needs to consider a number of these negative impacts so that they can change their stance from a <em>pro-childfree </em>family to a family that wants offspring because children are very useful for a family.</p>Anggun AnggunBunyamin BunyaminAbdul KallangSarifa SuhraIdris RasyidBadruddin Kaddas
2024-09-302024-09-307292192910.5281/jrm.v7i2.100Micro and Small Business Owners' Reluctance towards Halal Certification in Culinary Sector
<p>This study investigates the reluctance of micro and small business actors towards halal certification in the culinary sector, as well as the influencing factors. Data were collected through questionnaires, documents, literature, and secondary data from 218 respondents in South Sulawesi. The analysis employed Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the Partial Least Squares (PLS) Path Modeling approach using SmartPLS 4. Findings indicate a strong relationship between Lack of Socialization and Reluctance towards Halal Certification, weak subjective norms influencing decisions, as well as low intentions and trust levels. Low halal literacy also poses a constraint. There is a necessity for intensive socialization programs and social interactions influencing positive participation in adopting halal certification. This research provides profound insights for development strategies and policies aimed at enhancing the participation of micro and small business actors in the culinary sector, supporting the Islamic/Sharia economy, particularly in halal culinary businesses.</p>Wahyuninsi WahyuninsiSyaparuddin RazakAksi HamzahHukmiah Husain